Unlike other methods of cloaking, droids and other nonliving individuals could not be fooled by a mind trick. In this way, a user affected the minds of those around them, removing all traces of their presence from the mind of observers and allowing them to move completely unnoticed while in plain sight. An alternate version which did not involve a command over light and sound was an advanced form of mind trick or Force persuasion. Like all Force-based abilities, no single method existed to cloak oneself. While highly effective when practiced properly, maintaining such a cloak was extremely taxing and the concentration needed to make a convincing shroud could diminish the worth of employing the technique.

As the technique physically bent light like a cloaking device, this power could be used to evade being detected not only by living beings, but also beings normally immune to Force-based illusions such as droids and the Yuuzhan Vong. This skill tends to come to people as more of a natural talent, for it is extremely difficult to learn otherwise thus, the reason the ability is rarely seen. A rare ability, a Force-user would call upon their mastery of the Force to photo-kinetically bend light and sound waves around themselves, rendering them invisible to visual and audio detection. The technique of cloaking oneself in the Force was one practiced by Force-sensitive individuals since the early days of the Galactic Republic. A Force-user avoids detection by employing a cloaking technique.